The Best of Polish Cooking: Expanded Edition – Karen West

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The Best of Polish Cooking: Expanded Edition - Karen West

First published in 1983, this classic resource for Polish cuisine has been a favorite with home chefs for many years. The new edition includes a chapter on Light Polish Fare with ingenious tips for reducing fat, calories and cholesterol, without compromising the flavor of fine Polish cuisine. Fragrant herbal rubs and vinegars add panache without calories. Alternatives and conversion tables for butter, sour cream and milk will help readers lighten other recipes as well.In an easy-to-use menu format, the author arranges complementary and harmonious foods together — all organized in seasonal cycles. Inside are recipes for „Braised Spring Lamb with Cabbage”, „Frosty Artichoke Salad”, „Apple Raisin Cake”, and „Hunter’s Stew”. The new Light Polish Fare chapter includes low-fat recipes for treats like „Roasted Garlic and Mushroom Soup” and „Twelve-Fruit Brandied Compote”.